The completions of the Katy Trail Bridge over Mockingbird Lane created a lot of excitement in the Dallas biking and running communities. Spanning over one of the more traveled thoroughfares in the city, the construction of the bridge along with it's unique design made it an obvious symbol of an ever growing trail system
The Katy Tail Bridge over Mockingbird Lane. Because of the underground Dart Line, the bridge had to use a unique design, with the three supports all on one side. |
But another trail is nearing completion, one meant to interconnect the most popular trails in Dallas. But because of its somewhat secluded path along the old Union Pacific Railroad Line, few people realize it's nearing completion.
Once the new East Dallas Veloway is finished, it will connect the Katy Trail, White Rock Lake Loop, the Santa Fe Trail, White Rock Creek Tail, and the Cottonwood Trail. There are also plans to someday build a bridge over Central Expressway to connect the Veloway to the Northhaven Trail.
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The of the East Dallas Veloway will connect White Rock Lake and the Santa Fe Trail to the Katy Trail and north to the White Rock Creek Trail and the Cottonwood Trail |
I happened to come across the Veloway a few weeks ago when I took a run from the White Rock Dart Station on my way to the new Mockingbird Bridge. From the Dart Station, I went wast on the Flag Pole Hill Trail which parallels Northwest Highway. Normally the trail turns south toward toward the Ridgewood Trail / Katy Trail. But I noticed a brand new section going north.
Because this section passes under Northwest Highway, thousands of motorist pass by this trail everyday not knowing it's there. I decided to comeback the next day and do a little exploring. There were already quite a few people enjoying the new path.
Going north the Veloway passed under Abrams and over Skillman. The bridge over Skillman was recently placed and needs a few final touches. I also noticed the beginning of a lighting system which will make the trail much safer in the evenings.
The Veloway continued toward Park Lane, about a quarter mile from the Top Golf facility. A new bridge over Park Lane is being built. Going north from there, the trail is still being leveled and graded.
As of now, it is possible to start at the American Airlines Center, travel by bike or foot north to Mockingbird Station, Turn east onto the Ridgewood Trail to the While Rock Dart Station on Northwest Highway. From there you can connect to the White Rock Creek Trail and travel north to 635. Or travel back south to White Rock Lake to the Santa Fe Trail and Fair Park.
When the East Dallas Veloway is totally complete, one wide lighted path the will connected all these trails.
Heading north under Northwest Highway, the New East Dallas Veloway. Some sections are finished , though not officially opened. |
Just south of Skillman, you can see one of many bases for the new lighting system |
The bridge over Skillman. If you travel north on Skillman just past Northwest Highway, you can see the bridge near The Home Depot |
The trail ends at Park Lane, about a quarter mile from the Top Golf. The bridge over Park Lane is not yet finished |
The Bridge over Park Lane |
Going north from Park Lane, the trail is still being leveled and grated. |