Today, I experienced my first Cowboy game at Jerry's new stadium. I'd been to the venue for George Strait but haven't had the opportunity to see a game there.
Here are a few of my impressions.
I paid $30 dollars to park at a Jack in the Box a mile away. There were 35 spots that they were using for Cowboys parking. The Jack in the Box owner made $1050 today just on parking. That's $8400 for the 8 Cowboy regular season games. And that was the cheapest parking we could find.
During the game, Dallas Mayor Tom Leppart was shown on the Jumbotron. My friend commented that he was "the mayor of the city that lost the Cowboys". I've heard this a lot. I thought Irving lost the Cowboys.
Jerry Jones has taken game presentation to another level. Jumbotrons, Video Ribbon Boards, Cheerleaders, Pole Dancers, Clubs, Suites, Party Pass Levels, Water Fountains. Oh yeah, there was a great football game also.
Jerry wants you to stay in your section. If you are supposed to sit in section 300, don't be wandering over to another section. Not even in the concourse. If your bathroom is to crowded, tuff. Wait it out. If you have a party pass, than please stay in your designated area, even if you can't see the game. Or if you really have to pee.
If you haven't been to a game at the new Stadium, it is a whole new ballgame. (Note: Tickets can be very expensive)